Saturday, March 19, 2011

Go Here...or There

Okay, there are some really great blogs that I want to note and point everyone too. I do this on occasion, just to encourage my fellow bloggers and point out the wonderful stuff going on. There is a big online, Christian, teen, blog community building and supporting each other only helps.

First off, there is the Wones' Blog. Okay, well, I don't know about this blog being "great" but you should give it a try. If you don't know us very well, be warned. It might ruin the rep we have with you. Lol.

I have a friend who has recently started up a blog. So far, he has posted some good thought-provoking or hilarious posts. He needs some followers, so let's help him out kk?

Here is one, my personal favorite. He has some pretty deep posts for those of you who like to think.

Here is another blog that is good.

Here is another great one...we need to encourage him to post more though...Haha...kidding. I know he is busy a lot.

1 comment:

Logan Vaughan said...

"My personal favorite"? Thanks! You all should really check my blog out! Anway, I'll check these other blogs out. Thanks!