Wednesday, December 5, 2012

You're Not Doing Your Job

Let me put it plainly.

I do not care what talents you have or don’t have. I do not care how financially stable or unstable you are. I do not care if you are a gifted speaker or not. I do not care if you feel “called” or not. I do not care if you’ve been a Christian for 20 days or 20 years. I do not care if you have a degree in Ministry or not. I do not care if you go to church or not.

And you know what? God doesn’t care either.

The fact is that we, as the redeemed, have a divine goal. This is to bring glory to God by spreading His name among the nations. We are called to have a heart for the Gospel and the Father’s will – just like Jesus did. We are called to go and make disciples of all nations. Baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We must teach them to observe all things that God has commanded us (Matthew 28:19-20).

I have been under incredible teaching at the Evangelical Institute since September. What a challenging few months it has been. I’ve been learning so much. We talk about the life of faith in God all the time. We talk about following God out of a heart of love. We are exploring the definition of evangelism in Ministry 1. To sum, my way of thinking about my life has been turned inside out and upside down. On top of this teaching, I’ve been reading Radical by David Platt. Yikes. If that book doesn’t make you examine your shallow, selfish Christianity, I don’t know what will.

So, adding up all these lessons has brought me to this:

“My purpose, as a ransomed daughter of the Lord, is to magnify His name by sharing in His heart and in His purpose for the world to be reconciled to Him – for His ultimate glory and adoration. His purpose must renovate my way of life, my desires and my goals. His pleasure must be my aim and His glory my passion. I will use anything that God has placed into my stewardship for His purposes, not my own – surrendering all I have to Him (since it was never mine in the first place). I will take His Word literally, taking upon my own back the privilege of making disciples of all nations and expanding the Kingdom of God. This is not my calling – because all believers are called. This is the minimal cost of love for my Adonai.”

What I am coming to learn is that I am not authorized to leave the evangelism and discipleship to the few who have degrees, or are professionals, or who know how. I have the means to equip myself to be a soldier for the Lord. I have the Word of God, my textbook and the Spirit, my teacher. Of course, it is wise for me to have counselors in my life who can lead me. But honestly, I have what I need to live out the great commission. And so do you.

Why are you leaving the Great Commission to the “called?” You, you the one reading this, have been called. Does it mean that you have to live overseas? No. Does it mean that you have to live in a hut? No. But it does mean that you, as a child of God, are commanded to apply the command of the Word to your life. Not theirs. Not his or hers. But yours. Anything less is unbiblical Christianity. 1 John says that we will know we are Christians if His commands are not burdensome (1 John 5:2-3).

God doesn’t care what you have or don’t have, because if you have been redeemed your calling is the exact same as mine. Yes, He does give us specific gifts and blessings so that we can work in different areas – and He will lead us into those – but overall His plan and purpose for Christians are the same. 

“Go therefore and teach and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age” (Matthew 28:19-20).

Live your divine purpose with me.

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