Sunday, August 11, 2013

Unmeasurable Grace

Oh Savior of man,
How can it be?
That You should show
A wretch like me
Pure love, pure mercy,
Unmeasurable Grace?

My sin - a stake -
In Jesus' hands,
Unknowing fulfillment
Of Your righteous plan.
What love! What mercy!
Unmeasurable grace!

You saw me in
My helpless state
Then snatched, pulled me
Towards freedom's glad gate.
Oh love! Oh mercy!
Unmeasurable grace!

It is for nothing
Which I have done
That You blessed earth
With You precious Son.
Only love. Only mercy.
Unmeasurable grace.

Forgiveness reliable
Your wrath? Not a trace!
Give not just for me,
But the whole human race
This love, this mercy,
Unmeasurable grace.

The sins of the guilty
The Lamb, Your Son, did bear
Though He knew many
Would die without care.
Unheeded love, unheeded mercy.
Unmeasurable grace.

Oh God, let me be
Used only for Thee
And all that I do
Reflect only You.
Your love, Your mercy,
Unmeasurable grace.

When at us they look,
Please let the world see
How we've been changed
By that accursed tree.
Transforming love, transforming mercy,
Unmeasurable grace. 

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